Magnesium Chelate For laminitis, magnesium deficiency, insulin resistance
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This product is not intended to be fed to your horses "just like that", but only intended for horses that have a magnesium deficiency, are laminitis and/or suffer from insulin resistance. So read the page about magnesium and insulin resistance before ordering this product!
The purpose of this page is not to explain what magnesium is for; we have made a separate page about magnesium for this purpose .
When we published the studies on the link between magnesium deficiency , insulin resistance and laminitis , we received many questions about the possibilities of obtaining suitable magnesium. We started looking for ourselves but made the shocking discovery that it was not exactly easy to get magnesium; You can say that there was simply nothing suitable in the Benelux. Of course, many supplements are offered that contain magnesium, but they are accompanied by competing minerals (such as calcium) or they are cheap ionic bonds (magnesium oxide) that are so poorly absorbed that you cannot expect favorable results.
After a lot of research, we found a foreign manufacturer who was willing to supply our magnesium chelate.
Magnesium Supplements Magnesium is a metal but cannot be administered as a pure metal. Magnesium supplements therefore use a magnesium compound. Ionic bond These are bonds of magnesium with a non-metal. Known examples are magnesium oxide, magnesium sulphate, etc. These are cheap to make, but have the disadvantage that they are poorly absorbed and at higher doses disturb the pH of the intestines and have side effects. They are also chemically very unstable and react with other substances (enzymes, free radicals and stomach acid). Magnesium complex This is a bond of magnesium with one amino acid (without a ring bond). The magnesium atom is then only connected on one side and that makes it chemically very unstable. Magnesium Proteinate This is a bond between a peptide (a string of many amino acids), so a kind of protein. This product has a too high molecular weight and does not pass through the small intestine unscathed. Magnesium Chelate Ring-shaped amino acid containing magnesium, with a size below 800 Dalton so that it can pass through the intestinal wall. The absorption is extremely good and less hindered by competing minerals. |
Magnesium Chelate
The magnesium chelate we offer is an organic form of magnesium; this is a bond between magnesium and an organic substance. The magnesium is contained in a ring-shaped amino acid. The advantages of such a magnesium chelate are:
- Extremely good recording
- The bond between the magnesium atom and the amino acid is very stable and is not broken in the stomach or intestines. The magnesium chelate is not absorbed by the body as a mineral, but as an amino acid. Their absorption is much more favorable and is less disturbed by competing minerals.
- No side effects
- Magnesium chelate is considered by the body to be an amino acid, and the digestive tract is fully equipped to process amino acids in large quantities. Magnesium chelate is chemically very stable and does not break down in the digestive tract and does not react with other substances in the digestive tract.
Magnesium chelate is not intended to be given to your horse "just like that", but only intended for horses that have become deficient in magnesium , are laminitis and/or suffer from insulin resistance . So read the relevant pages first.
The administration of magnesium does not entail any risks if you work with care. Magnesium is non-toxic and too much is simply excreted by the kidneys. With prolonged use, excess magnesium can cause osteoporosis. It is therefore best to offer magnesium during a "trial period" of several weeks to see if it has any effect.
Magnesium is not bad for the kidneys, but excretion of an overdose can be a problem when kidney function is severely impaired. In case of impaired kidney function, you may only give magnesium preparations after approval by a doctor.
According to researchers, magnesium chelate is so well absorbed that a quarter of the calculated amount will suffice. Although this has never been proven in a scientific test, it is common experience that this amount provides good results. We therefore assume this reduced amount in the treatment plan below.
You administer according to the step-by-step plan below:
Get a good magnesium supplement. The magnesium chelate sold by us meets the requirements described here. 2. Although magnesium chelate is little hindered by competing minerals such as calcium during absorption, it is still advisable to temporarily stop all calcium additions. When the calcium level in the blood is high enough, the kidneys will start to excrete more calcium, and because they cannot distinguish between magnesium and calcium, this also flushes out the magnesium. So no concentrate (which was not good anyway in case of laminitis), no calcium-containing lick, and no other additives, just grass or, better still, hay. It is especially important to keep calcium levels as low as possible during this time. 3. Use a lick stone without calcium. The Paard Natuursteen Mg + is ideally suited because this lick stone is calcium-free, and at the same time contains a lot of easily absorbable magnesium. This lick stone is a perfect support for the Magnesium Chelate! 4. Provide 8 (small pony) to 30 grams (large horse) Magnesium Chelate daily. Keep this on for 4 to 6 weeks. 5. Evaluate the status of the symptoms. You should be able to see an improvement now. If there is no improvement, there was probably no magnesium deficiency and it is better to stop the treatment. 6. After an improvement occurs, halve the dose and continue for 6 to 8 weeks. Optionally, you can now simultaneously provide a dietary supplement including Chromium and Vanadium. Equi Life F4F is a particularly good supplement to magnesium chelate. 7. Now draw up a diet in which all minerals occur in a normal proportion and quantity . You should now have an idea of how the magnesium deficiency could arise, adjust the diet so that this deficiency will no longer occur. Horses with insulin resistance may require continued administration of a maintenance dose. Horses with insulin resistance also benefit from a supplementation of Chromium and Vanadium. Equi Life F4F is a particularly good supplement to magnesium chelate.
Success formula to get horses to properly and easily ingest magnesium:
Take a product that your horse or pony likes to eat and add a very small amount of magnesium chelate. The easiest way is when it is moist but do not make it hotThe magnesium will taste very strange when it is warm !!
If your horse likes grass pellets, this formula is very successful and healthy:
Soak a handful of grass chunks in water so that the chunks disintegrate (note: it goes super fast in hot water but it must be completely cooled before you add the magnesium, otherwise the magnesium will taste bad!). Use so much/little water that the chunk does fall apart but that it feels almost dry afterwards because the water has been absorbed unless your horse likes to slobber ;-) Let the horse eat this vigorous grass chunk to test whether he likes it immediately (almost always yes). If he does not want to eat it immediately, offer it for a few days, in exceptional cases it may take some getting used to, but all horses will eat it (all horses also like grass, right?).
If the horse eats the vigorous grass chunk with pleasure, then add the magnesium. For difficult eaters, gradually increase the amount so that they get used to the taste. Does your horse think so? Then just make sure that the proportion of grass chunks is a bit larger so that the taste does not fall! The taste is pretty neutral, as long as you don't heat it up (taste it) so if you do it right, it really can't fail.
It goes wrong if you use too little grass pellets and (in proportion) too much magnesium for difficult eaters. Just use more grass chunks so that the (already pretty neutral) taste is insignificant. Success is actually assured!
The Pre Alpin wiesencobs from St. Hippolyt are very suitable and tasty grass chunks, very tasty, nice smelling and very healthy.
Magnesium used to be in white buckets, but from an environmental point of view these have been replaced by resealable pouches. These pouches are much better for the environment: they weigh only 7 grams. The weight of the buckets was around 170 grams, so the new upright bags contained 24 times less plastic than the old buckets! They are special food grade bags that ensure that the magnesium has a long shelf life. We believe it is important that as few raw materials as possible are used and therefore always try to use little packaging material, which is why we have opted for the bags; well packaged but few raw materials required. There were not yet fully recyclable paper bags, so we initially opted for a completely plastic packaging so that the bag could at least be disposed of with the plastic waste. A paper exterior with a plastic layer on the inside looks environmentally friendly, but it is a disaster because it cannot be disposed of with plastic waste, and not with paper.
A few years later, a new type of bag came onto the market! Paper on the outside and starch on the inside! Completely free of plastic and YET the necessary good (moisture) barrier and even sealable. The bag is allowed in the organic waste container and is completely composted. We prefer that it can be recycled with paper waste, but it is in any case very good that it is completely free of plastic and that it is not residual waste (so no need to be burned) but can be nicely composted. Making a good decision remains difficult, but we think that this bag is the best for this product that is currently available.
The 3 kg packaging is relatively cheaper and yet has a good shelf life because it consists of 3 bags of 1 kg, so you only need to open the bag that is in use, the rest remains neatly closed and free from moisture and light.
Clumsy, scooping from pouches instead of a bucket? Research among our customers has taught us that the vast majority of people prefer the bag, but a few people prefer the bucket. Scooping out of a bag is a little less convenient with a short measuring spoon, but this can easily be solved by taking a tablespoon and measuring how much goes into it once. If you would like to use a container, you will undoubtedly have something lying around. An empty ice bucket, for example? If you keep it in the dark, empty glass jars are also great.
To order
- Tip: The mineral lick Horse Natural Stone Mg + is an excellent support for horses that receive Magnesium Chelate because this lick stone is calcium-free, and at the same time contains a lot of magnesium. *
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