Wil schreef op zondag 19 april 2009, 1:37:
> Zeg het maar.... roept u maar..... wat denken jullie?
Parelli omschrijft deze karakters als:
[quote] Characteristics of "Left Brained" (LB) Introverts include bored, disinterested, unmotivated, sulls up (stops and won't go forward in defiance), lazy and stubborn and may have a tendency to buck. LB Introverts simply win out by being non-responsive until you give up.
LB horses are not afraid of people, they are self confident, brave, are relatively insensitive, playful, mouthy, exuberant and dominant. At minimum, these horses can be pushy and disobedient, and at worst they are aggressive. Keep in mind, these horses can be dangerous when they don't like or trust people.
LB horses need you to become a lot more interesting. They need things to do. They are usually quite playful and are easily bored by riders who are fixated on perfecting a maneuver, and that's what makes them act up. Because they are so confident they are fast learners.
Introverted horses tend to appears withdrawn and "slow" and need things to happen very slowly. These horses are so often misread as quiet and stubborn, but in the RB Introvert's case, he has crawled into his shell while the LB Introvert has shut you out, much like the teenager who pretends he can't hear you. These horses need you to be able to do nothing, sometimes for quite a while before they become confident enough to come out, or curious enough to want to engage. [einde quote]
En ik heb er ook zoëen. Het heeft me in het verleden ZOVEEL frustratie opgeleverd dat ik niets meer met haar wilde doen. Dankzij het starten met level 1, gevolgd door level 2, leren over de verschillende horsenality's, wat zijn hun drijfveren, hun beweegredenen, waarom doen ze zoals ze doen en vooral.. wat kan je als MENS doen om met ze te kunnen communiceren heb ik haar ingang gevonden.
Nu rijden we zelfs in de bak (wat vroeger onmogelijk was! Over staken gesproken), we langeteugelen a'la Piet Bakker, we zijn vorig jaar zelfs op trainingsweek geweest naar Wim Vonck!
Voor alles is een oplossing Wil, maar een snel recept heb ik niet voor je.
Studeren, leren, verdiepen, observeren, spelen, het duurt eventjes, maar dan heb je ook wat.