Het doet me plezier dat er toch wel enig enthousiame is, buiten HC om die al tijden lang zijn best doet. Ik zal aan meneer Nevzorov vragen of ik een stukje film mag laten zien - de hele film staat in stukjes online (en op mijn HD) maar slechts bedoeld voor de leden van het gesloten forum (invites only) zover ik begrepen heb.
Boodschap nr. 1 is echter: stop jullie bitten én de mentaliteit die daarbij hoort waar ze horen - begin er samen met de verzameling hoefijzers een museum mee ofzo! Je gaat met je dieren om op voet van gelijkheid, of niet!
"Nevzorov" is zoals het nu ligt te hoog gegrepen. (OK, dat is zoals ik dit forum, dat ik het beste acht in NL, in schat

). Maar ik zal voor de duidelijkheid iets knippen en plakken:
" Getting started
Walking the path of the School, you have to consciously understand, that you agree with the fact, that the horse is always right.
And the next thing is really important: by bringing up one horse, you are actually educating two horses: her mind (soul, if you like), and her myoligical device .
So you have to conquest her soul, and the horses myology is your main enemy, and your horses main ally. The horse will first always listen to it, and then to you. Then, if you can`t use the rules, written before with maximum exactness, you will find that enemy, which our School cant handle with (the horse will be absolutely right with the fact, it doesnt want to do, what you want it to).
First of all, you need to "get down to the earth", in all meanings, working only on the ground or with a rope. That's why:
You must always remember, that the horse always understands, it's you that can't explain or be clear. And your main aim is learn how to be clear. It's able only on the ground, in the condition, when you and the horse are equal. Forget about being a leader, about you are a human, and it is a horse. You are both living creatures, and you must become understandable for that other creature. And you should forget forever everything that is known anywhere. All this knowledge leads you to a deadlock: a deadlock of relationship, a deadlock of intercouse (you just dont have it), and the deadlock of a few elements. The horse will never listen to you only for you are a human, even though you keep it and feed it. It won't happen. You have to donate your proud and self-opinion and to let the horse choose whether it's to be with you or not. It`s very important to remember, that a horse is not a projectile and not an entertainment. You cant go for a ride on it. Well, if you want to, so do. But then you don't need to ask questions like: "how can I ride bitless in the fields, if i wont be able to stop the horse?" . There s no way. Use a bit. Its your choice. When the horse is unstoppable, it tries to run from the rider, by her instinct. It means that the horse doesnt pick you. And we can`t help you here.
Now we'll return to the health and pain. With an unskillful ride (without a collection definitely and with a bad seat) you hurt the horses back. It causes an unstoppable pain. And if you have pain, you can't have relationship. Even more-what for do you need to ride a horse , before you explained to the horse what you want. (all the explanations are made on the ground) It makes sence to sit on the horse only after it collects in the freedom. (or you can sit for 2-3 minuts to work on the Spanish walk from above). Even more-if you are trying (or riding) to ride with a forced collection, there is a HUGE possibility that the horse won't do natural collection, because of the pain you cause or caused. And dont think: why should I get down, if somebody else is riding it anyway. Excuse me, but if you stop riding, the loading on the horses back would become about twice smaller.
About the fact, that a horse needs to move. Yes, it does. But from the two evils you have to pick the smallest. One of the most evil things is hurting the horses back with a bad saddle and a bad seat. Thats why you take a long rope (8-10 meters) and PLAY with the horse using it. You can`t just make the horse run in a stupid way (as it is accepted everywhere), you need to walk (or even better-run) in the smaller lap with the rope in your hands. That way you can make the rope almost twice bigger. This way the loading on the joints will become almost insignificant. I won`t repeat about the punishment: it`s very wild.
So, your task is to make relationship with your horse. Its the most important thing.
For the first step you distinguished the next tasks:
The horse shall not be scared of the whip in your hand. Its REALLY important, and it would become your first winning in your relationship. There wont be any relationship, until the horse would have no doubt that it won't be EVER hit. And the only thing you need to do for it, is to tell yourself once and forever that you can't ever hit it, in any way, any situation. The horse will understand it very soon and it would be the beginning of your relationship.
Teach it how to put its legs on the stand (besides that you will learn how to explain, you would develop its shoulders and preparing it for the Spanish walk).
teach the horse walking next to you (shoulder to shoulder), it doesnt depend on the direction and the speed (its the basis on the working in hands).
Teach the back crunch (the back legs are staying at their places and the front legs making few steps forward).
I am ready to answer all of your questions about the technical side of teaching of every point. The only request is not to repeat yourself and to start thinking"
LES 1: playing with the ball
"Please, carefully read "Getting started". The first thing you have to understand - you have a lot of time. You dont have to hurry. That's very important. I'll continue writing levels one by one, but you must remember, that you have to finish one level, before going to the next one.
So, I want to offer you a very simple game. Game with the ball(from volleyball ). You need to deflate it a bit so the horse will be able to take it with her teeth.
How to play: you throw the ball to the horse. It lifts the ball with the teeth and gives it back to you. This is an easy game, but it is very important in making friendship and starting the communication.
But!! You have to remember - your aim is to explain the horse what to do. Don't try to smear the ball with something tasty. The horse will just chew it but nothing else.
You can start from a short distance and then, slowly increasing to 20-30 metres"
LES 2: everything about the whip
LES 3: reverse pirouette on three legs.
LES 4: pirouette with front feet crossing.
Het is zeldzaam dat iemand op dit nivo - Luraschi, Knie, etc. - iets wil uitleggen!
Er wordt niet, zoals
Parelli doet, stapje voor stapje, moronproof, uitgelegd hoe je alles in détail doen moet.
Ikzelf denk dat het niet gaat om Spaanse pas, of een pirouette whatsoever. Het gaat om een totaal andere benadering; je kunt ook Skinner lezen en de ethologische kennis uit Waring toepassen. Wie doet dat eigenlijk? Ik raad het al bijna 2 jaar aan hier....
Groeten, Egon