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Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 18:3731-1-06 18:37 Nr:42130
Volg auteur > Van: e m kraak Opwaarderen Re:42129
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Haute école bitloos² Structuur

e m kraak

7960 berichten
sinds 5-5-2004
Van Lidia N.:

"Training rules I or “Getting Started”.

Would like to say couple of words about learning.

1. You will have to “dismount” your horse and work only on in hands until you will become completely sure that you have managed to completely learn everything from the work on the ground, in hands, that your horse trusts you completely, and you trust your horse completely too, and wont be afraid to ride her without a bride into fields.
Saying things like “how so, horse needs to moove, going into fields, forest etc” are simply cancelled, forbidden.

I’m confident that 99% of your horses are having problems with saddling and all sorts of pains.
Half a year or a year of groundwork by our programme will make your horse not only healthy, flexible and energetic and fun, but would heal all the wounds.

2. You will have to say big NO to your typical pleasures with horses. Serious work with horse means complete self-sacrifice. Sergey will explain in more detail.
No field rides!!! Field rides are fun for you, but NOT your horse. Your pleasure will be in creating relationship of happiness, trust and success between you and your horse.

3. You must understand the true nature of horses.
As a rule, everyone, including people involved in sport, simple horse lovers “communicate” only with the physiological part of horses. I.E. they are working on creating conditioned reflexes with help of a whip and a carrot.
We are communicating with the soul and the thinking part of horse.
All communication is based on understanding, NOT on conditioned reflexes.
They obviously exist and in humans too, but we try to minimise them to minimum, so that you understand me in a right manner.
Everything that horse does conches, before hand is “worked through” in their brain.
I would like to say here, that there are two things that have helped us to create our system. They are: the brilliance of A.G. and my knowledge of Hippology.
The thing is, that not every signal that goes through a body of a horse gets to the brain. For instance, signals from spur or a whip (stimulus), when we are creating conditioned reflexes only go as far as the spinal cord brain. There for there is no thinking, brain isn’t involved.
That is the way people work with horses in circus, sports, everywhere.
But we are trying to work in a way to activate the brain of our horses, so that they think through what they do, because it is very important.

4. Apart from brain, horse has a locomotion system (body).
If you have noticed, our horses are well muscled, very energetic.
Knowing the rules of physiology, I am planning the regimen of work correctly.
Just remember the following.
• Horse must not work hard for more than 15 minutes a day.
• If your horse doesn’t feel well or doesn’t want to work, don’t make your horse to work.
• You are not allowed to make your horse to do anything by forcing your horse.
• You are not allowed to make your horse do anything if your horse resists.
• You are not allowed to use artificial help aids that restrict your horse in any way.
• You are not allowed to collect your horse by forcing the collection. Only voluntary collection at liberty is permissible. Right now it is too early to talk about it but you wont get any results if your force your horse to collect. It will come, but on a later stage of learning.
• NOT even ALLOWED to be ANGRY at your horse.
• You are not allowed to cause any pain to your horse.
• Not allowed to scream at your horse.
• You are not allowed to ask your horse something that is unreasonable. For example, to do a full lap, when you only learned to do 2 steps.
• Not allowed to lunge your horse more than 3 times a week, and not longer than 15 minutes each time.
• You are allowed to play, if you want, whole day long!
• Allowed to be friends, to communicate, to do something together.
• You must GROOM each other.
• You need to read out loud to your horse and sing songs.
• NOT ALOOWED to REPEAT any exercise more than 3 times a lesson.
• Not allowed to demonstrate impatience.

Remember: a horse is a very gentle and fragile creature.
Take a good care of your horse’s health.
Do not ask anything from your horse if your horse is kept in conditions that are like in campo de concentretion.
Because it’s hard to reach mutual understanding, when your horse is kept in such horrible conditions.
There won’t be any success if your horse is kept under stress.
In stress condition, the part of the brain that we call “the learning part” switches off and (read my articles which soon be translated into English).

Your study and work will be based on a special plan. Make sure that your horse is healthy, check teeth, hoof balance (wrote an article about it not long ago), check for worms, arrhythmia, irregular heartbeat and mood. Grease are for instance a serious barrier on the way to establishing a good relationship with your horse.

You will read about how much to work and aerobic in the next topic."

Groeten, Egon
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 18:4731-1-06 18:47 Nr:42131
Volg auteur > Van: e m kraak Opwaarderen Re:42130
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Haute école bitloos² Structuur

e m kraak

7960 berichten
sinds 5-5-2004
e m kraak schreef op dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 18:37:

> Van Lidia N.:
> "Training rules I or “Getting Started”.

> Sergey will explain in more detail.
> No field rides!!! Field rides are fun for you, but NOT your
> horse. Your pleasure will be in creating relationship of
> happiness, trust and success between you and your horse.

Hiermee wordt niet bedoeld dat je niet naar buiten mag; er wordt bedoeld dat je je paard niet als fiets gebruikt.

> 3. You must understand the true nature of horses.
> As a rule, everyone, including people involved in sport, simple
> horse lovers “communicate” only with the physiological part of
> horses. I.E. they are working on creating conditioned reflexes
> with help of a whip and a carrot.
> We are communicating with the soul and the thinking part of
> horse.
> All communication is based on understanding, NOT on conditioned
> reflexes.

Hier ben ik over in discussie ;-)
Geen geconditioneerde reflexen, maar wel geconditioneerde responsen nmm.
Anders nml. geen communicatie.
Het verschil zit 'em in wel/geen cadaverdiscipline, en het bewust kiezen van je paard voor wat jij aan geeft.

> unreasonable. For example, to do a full lap, when you only
> learned to do 2 steps.
> • Not allowed to lunge your horse more than 3 times a week, and
> not longer than 15 minutes each time.

> article about it not long ago), check for worms, arrhythmia,
> irregular heartbeat and mood. Grease are for instance a serious barrier on the way to establishing a good relationship with your horse.
> You will read about how much to work and aerobic in the next topic."

Groeten, Egon
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 19:0231-1-06 19:02 Nr:42132
Volg auteur > Van: marjolijn Opwaarderen Re:42077
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Hoeveel hooi voeren jullie? Structuur


1465 berichten
sinds 28-7-2003
> Veel koliek schijnt zijn oorsprong te vinden in het
> vele drinken.

En verstoppingskolieken vaak weer juist in te weinig....

Ik heb het even gevolgd en begrijp van deze discussie dus helemaal niks.

Het lijkt me vanzelfsprekend dat als je je paard natuurlijk wilt houden er altijd water beschikbaar is, zodat het paard zelf kan bepalen wanneer hij drinkt (of een hele nacht niet drinkt).
En dan heb ik het er nog niet eens over dat dat misschien ook wel gewoon AARDIG is en een kleine moeite.

Is het noodzakelijk??? Nee, dat vast niet. Ze kunnen best 's nachts zonder water. Ze kunnen ook best 23 uur in een box staan.... er zijn paarden waar dat al jaaaaren goed bij gaat....
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 19:1031-1-06 19:10 Nr:42133
Volg auteur > Van: trea hoex Opwaarderen Re:42131
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Haute école bitloos² Structuur

trea hoex

Jarig op 9-4

1840 berichten
sinds 27-3-2005
e m kraak schreef op dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 18:47:

>> 2. You will have to say big NO to your typical pleasures with
>> horses. Serious work with horse means complete self-sacrifice.
>> Sergey will explain in more detail.
>> No field rides!!! Field rides are fun for you, but NOT your
>> horse. Your pleasure will be in creating relationship of
>> happiness, trust and success between you and your horse.
> Hiermee wordt niet bedoeld dat je niet naar buiten mag; er
> wordt bedoeld dat je je paard niet als fiets gebruikt.

> Groeten, Egon

Nou dan houd het hier op voor mij :)

Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 19:2131-1-06 19:21 Nr:42134
Volg auteur > Van: Cherry Opwaarderen
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Wat zit er in pulp Structuur

31 berichten
sinds 31-1-2005
Piet schreef op maandag 30 januari 2006, 20:11:

> Ik kan sinds kort verse pers bietenpulp afnemen van een
> boer bij ons in de buurt. Hij heeft me ook wat
> formulieren gegeven waar de samenstelling en de chemische
> analyse opstaat.
> Is heel wat typen, daarom vraag ik even van te voren, heeft
> iemand daar belangstelling voor?
> Piet

Helaas woon je een beetje ver bij mij vandaan! :-o

Ik heb mij door de fabrikanten die bieten verwerken laten vertellen dat er in NL altijd relatief veel suiker in blijft zitten. Dus voor mijn pony met suikerziekte zou het geen goed idee zijn....
Volg datum > Datum: dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 19:2331-1-06 19:23 Nr:42135
Volg auteur > Van: Patchouli Opwaarderen Re:42083
Volg onderwerp > Onderwerp: Re: Voor HC - haute école bitloos Structuur


Jarig op 9-7

276 berichten
sinds 19-3-2005
Christel Provaas schreef op dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 9:49:

> e m kraak schreef op dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 2:08:
> Ga-haaf. Dit raakt me diep.

Hebben jullie ook de foto's bekeken?
Ik voel de pijn in mijn buik en in mij hart.... Oh wat erg!
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