e m kraak schreef op dinsdag 31 januari 2006, 18:37:
> Van Lidia N.:
> "Training rules I or “Getting Started”.

> Sergey will explain in more detail.
> No field rides!!! Field rides are fun for you, but NOT your
> horse. Your pleasure will be in creating relationship of
> happiness, trust and success between you and your horse.
Hiermee wordt niet bedoeld dat je niet naar buiten mag; er wordt bedoeld dat je je paard niet als fiets gebruikt.
> 3. You must understand the true nature of horses.
> As a rule, everyone, including people involved in sport, simple
> horse lovers “communicate” only with the physiological part of
> horses. I.E. they are working on creating conditioned reflexes
> with help of a whip and a carrot.
> We are communicating with the soul and the thinking part of
> horse.
> All communication is based on understanding, NOT on conditioned
> reflexes.
Hier ben ik over in discussie

Geen geconditioneerde reflexen, maar wel geconditioneerde responsen nmm.
Anders nml. geen communicatie.
Het verschil zit 'em in wel/geen cadaverdiscipline, en het bewust kiezen van je paard voor wat jij aan geeft.
> unreasonable. For example, to do a full lap, when you only
> learned to do 2 steps.
> • Not allowed to lunge your horse more than 3 times a week, and
> not longer than 15 minutes each time.
> article about it not long ago), check for worms, arrhythmia,
> irregular heartbeat and mood. Grease are for instance a serious barrier on the way to establishing a good relationship with your horse.
> You will read about how much to work and aerobic in the next topic."
Groeten, Egon