Piet schreef op donderdag 21 september 2006, 22:36:
> Nick Altena schreef op donderdag 21 september 2006, 22:19:
>> Nick Altena schreef op donderdag 21 september 2006, 21:07:

> aan dat hoefbeen, die er iets aan kan doen.
> Piet
> natuurlijk Natuurlijk!
Ingezonden brief in het magazine Your Horse 24 aug-20 september:
When my brother came over to canada with my favourite magazine (Your Horse, issue 282) I read with interest the interview with Strasser - I refuse to call her Dr.
My experience with the Strasser trim has been to have a fit and healthy horse reduced to one who can barely trot or canter.
My haflinger mare went to her usual trainer in preparation for the driving season. The trainer had recently 'found' Strasser trimming and, as I hadn't heard of it, I knew of no reason not to let her trim my horse's hooves using the method.
The trainer was a certified trimmer, having gone through all training required. When I first went to the yard I said my mare looked sore, but was told this was normal when the trim is first started. When I next visited, het trainer said she had abscesses - again normal with Strasser trimming - and she was being treated as per the Strasser method.
My next visit was to demand a vet who confirmed my mare had foundered (when the pedal bone rotates). My mare had happily handled normal foot care for 13 years - but six weeks of Strasser trimming left her unable to walk.
I emailed Strasser and got a reply back to state people often say they're doing a Strasser trim but in fact aren't certified. When I emailed back to say the person who'd done the trim was certified I got no response.
My mare has lived with the consequences of this for six years. She has pedal bone rotation and has X-rays twice a year so we can adjust her normal trims accordingly. When her hooves are trimmed she has to go on bute to get over the pain and has not been driven since it happened. I would firmly endorse the RSPCA ban on this trim.
Dorothy Beckett, Canada
Het gaat mij niet om de nalatigheid van het instituut of rigiditeit van de methode Strasser zelf, maar om het feit dat hoefbeenrotatie (da's toch bevangenheid?!) zo te lezen op kan treden DOOR bekappen.
Wat is er in godsnaam met die paarden aan de hand!