Jasmijn Wauters schreef op dinsdag 17 november 2009, 22:38:
>> Jasmijn,t ging om t feit dat truus grunsven censuur wil
>> bedrijven op de andersvoelenden.
>> Daar begon t mee.

> Allez veel succes dan nog met de bitlozen

> Zie je?
Verdediging genoeg!
Van: info anky
Datum: 18-11-2009 13:29:09
Aan: truida
Onderwerp: RE: paarden
Anky is perplexed to read all the comments of people that have seen one way or the other again pictures and video clips on You Tube or where ever.
These pictures are, like always, short images of het riding in hyperflexion, ONE of the tools she uses in her training and which is, in matter of fact, ALLOWED by the FEI.( find stewarding manual on the FEI website)
Too sad to establish over and over again that these people who put these pictures on the internet, constantly fail in showing Anky's complete training scale of that particular session.
It suggest that Anky only uses this hyperflexion tool, which is totally untrue.
These people try every time again to put Anky in a bad spotlight on purpose, just for reasons unknown to her.
But one thing is sure, they never took the effort to study this type of training to make it possible to get new modern ideas of training a horse into their brain.
One don't need to train like this, it is just another way of training allowed by the FEI and even the last scientific research on hyperflexion shows clearly that it is a fine healthy method to use by experienced riders and even proves that it is more for the benefit of the horse than the FEI show frame.
This is already published before and can also be found on the FEI website and the latest outcome of new research will be published soon!
Last but not least the facts show that the last couple of decennia all the big champions are won by horses trained that use the hyperflexion tool, even the latest Europeans prove the same.
Also all these horses showed a willing expression all over their body to forfill the difficult tests and the ones sadly already died became all in their twenties or even thirty's which is a statement on its own.
Anky wants to rest this case and people reading this statement can make up their mind again, hopefully. Positive or negative, Anky still wishes you a nice time with your own horse when you might take care of one.
Anky Education Centre
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