clarissa ruijgrok schreef op woensdag 9 december 2009, 9:41:
> eddy DRUPPEL schreef op dinsdag 8 december 2009, 23:44:
>> Eva Saegerman schreef op dinsdag 8 december 2009, 21:02:
>>> Jasmijn Wauters schreef op maandag 7 december 2009, 20:34:
>>>> >>>
>>> Dit is helemaal niet zielig!
>>> Ken je de documentaire niet?
>> the Black stallion ook ,maar tis film he mensjes ! een
>> geromantiseerde docufilm !!Niks meer . Wat een kindercreche is
>> da hier geworden
> Hoe moeten we dit weten naar aanleiding van het fragment?
> Ik ben wel blij dat je dit nu uit de doeken doet, maakt een
> boel duidelijk.
> Het is inderdaad waar dat men een boel doet geloven, er lopen
> veel keizers zonder kleren rond. Helaas.
> Is het publiek dan maar meteen 'domme tr...tjes héél wat
> oenen'?
Voor de domme tr...tjes (lang leve internet, bron van "wetenschappelijke" kennis voor ieder

One of the most striking sequences in the show is when the stallion Looking Glass kills the young filly foal. How do you explain Looking Glass’s behavior?
That’s definitely the most asked question I get about the program. There are a lot of interpretations of what he did. The foal was not going to be a survivor and Looking Glass may have simply sensed that it was ill and killed it. Another explanation is that the foal did not get up and get out of the way when the elders arrived, and this is a strict rule of horse society. This foal, being ill, couldn’t get out of the way and was punished severely for it. Lastly, it could be that Looking Glass is simply an aggressive animal. He had the opportunity to kill something and he took advantage of it. One of my location scouts saw him breeding one of his mares, and he had her down on the ground by the neck, which is very aggressive and unusual. The bottom line is that the sick foal died quickly, which is a better fate that what could have been in store for him.
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