Margot van Lare schreef op donderdag 10 augustus 2006, 21:24:
> Nick Altena schreef op donderdag 10 augustus 2006, 20:44:
>> Margot van Lare schreef op donderdag 10 augustus 2006, 12:30:

> nou zo verkeerd bekapt heeft, naar de normen van strasser, of
> dat het gewoon bij het proces hoort.
> Margot
Om de boel een beetje in evenwicht te brengen,
een reactie van iemand van een Strasser gezind forum.
I was startled to hear a veteran farrier call this pony the lamest
horse he had seen in 26 years of practice. Where has he been all
these 26 years he's been a farrier? We have all seen much worse!
This pony was able to walk forwards in the 'before' clips. I have
seen horses who can't even do that, and are down most of the time, but
who can respond and improve with better hoof form. (An example on my
site: )
I also cannot understand how they can justify euthanizing a pony who
could still trot once they put some padding on the feet. The same
effect could have been obtained with removable hoof boots during a
recovery period. The close-up of the 'mutilated' foot showed a foot
that was close to having sole penetration, but nothing was bleeding.
I have seen sole penetration--much worse--on horses with heartbars
on...not just barefooted horses. And I have also seen hooves with
major sole penetration re-grow sound new soles using our 'brutal'
barefoot methods. Their contention that the foot was permanently
ruined is simply not true. Soles and walls DO grow back. Stronger
new laminar connections CAN grow back down if you're willing to wait,
and if the coffin bones are still relatively intact. What I would
consider to be permanent damage would be if the trimmer hacked off
part of the coffin bone, which was not the case.
I hope Jo will appeal this weird decision if they haven't succeeded in
completely wearing her down. This is basically political. You have
to wonder about the motives of any group intent on euthanizing a horse
who can still trot, as this pony was doing on their video. Jo has my
sympathy here.]
nah' tuurlijk Natuurlijk